Harold and Kumar Get the Munchies:
The storyline is automatically is suggested by name of the film ‘Get the Munchies’ which the characters journey is based upon also the misuse of drugs is suggested by the Cannabis leaves covering the females breasts. The main focus of the poster is the naked female in the middle of the poster which connate a sexually reference throughout the film. The film name is printed on a Riazl which further connate the misuse of Cannabis. The punch line underneath the film name also connate the misuse of Cannabis, ‘FAST FOOD. HIGH TIMES. ONE HILRIOUS TRIP!’
The genre of the film is comedy because of the punch line suggest ‘ONE HILARIOUS TRIP!’ which connate a comedy film. The genre of the film is also helped by the main actors’ previous films which both are comedies which suggest a comedy element throughout the film actors’ characters. Also on the top of the poster the director’s previous film is a comedy which suggests the comedy element will be in Harold and Kumar Get the Munchies.
The target audience of the film would be teenagers from 12-22 ages because of the misuse of drugs would apply to the generation. The target audience also would prefer the comedy genre of films rather than others because of the poster’s punch line suggesting the comedy element.
The type of shot used in the poster is medium shot so the capture of the main characters and the naked female to connate the sexual reference in the film related to the main characters. The lighting used in the poster is exposing the entire posters’ props to show all the elements of the film such as the misuse of Cannabis and sexual reference. The use of Cannabis leaves covering the naked female’s breasts and Riazl suggest the misuse of drugs.
The Hangover:
The storyline is automatically suggested by the name of the film of a bunch of friends drinking a huge amount until they’re knocked out. The setting of the film is in Vegas because the punch line suggests ‘SOME GUYS JUST CAN’T HANDLE VEGAS’. The characters’ facial expressions suggest confusion or they have stumbled into a major problem. The baby in the poster is odd one out because drinking sessions rarely end up with a baby in possession.
The genre of the film is comedy because the director’s previous work is a comedy suggesting an element of comedy within the film. The baby in the poster also suggests the comedy element because rarely people who have major drinking session end up with a baby in possession.
The target audience would be teenagers from 12-22 because during this time teenagers are experiencing contact with alcohol, which creates a link with the audience. Also the comedy element links with older audience ranging from 25-40 ages who would be reliving their teenage hood through the film of experience with alcohol.
The type of shot used in the poster is medium shot so all the characters’ are captured and their confused facial expressions. The lighting used in the poster is fully lit which could connate the storyline starts getting interesting when the characters experience their hangover. The use of the baby in poster suggests the comedy element throughout the film also the lighting used to light up the poster connate the setting of the film in Vegas.
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